Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Eli had his last swim lesson today. He did great...lots of 'splashy toes'! Now that baseball season is started again, that will be the end of any other lessons or classes for a while. Maddux will start HER swim lessons next week though. So excited.

When we walked back out to the car, it was freezing. Seriously freezing. Eli got in on his side, as usual, and I took Maddie around to hers (which is also mine). As I was buckling Maddux in, I asked Eli to pull his door shut so that I didn't have to go around the car again. He tried for a minute and then told me, "Mommy, I can't close it...cuz of gravity."

He was right. The car was parked sideways on a slight hill. And gravity has come up once or twice in conversation, but NEVER in the context of a car door or a hill.... this kid just may have picked up on a concept before it was formally taught! That, or pure coincidence. Either way, it gave me a big laugh!

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