Sunday, August 30, 2009

Maddux Funny

Mad Dog has so many words, sentences and phrases these days. Even though Eli and I are the only ones who understand what she's saying sometimes, she communicates so much. One of her favorite phrases right now is "(Insert Name) funny!" As in, "Eli funny!" when he trips on his own feet and falls. Or "monkey funny" when she sees a picture of a monkey dressed up in a party hat. Most days my assessment is, "Maddie funny".

After church today, Lehr took the kids by the bagel shop for lunch, per our usual routine. He asked them for their request before they entered: hot dog bagels. (This was a rare treat, I assure you.) Since supply is not always the same, Lehr asked for back-up choices in case they were sold out of bagel dogs. Eli said, "Honey Wheat". Maddux? "Tiddy Tat." (Kitty Cat)

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