Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Power of Fear

Maddux has it. My fearless Mad Dog suddenly has fear about many things. It could be that she recently suffered 'trauma' surrounding the finger incident. It could be that she's two and more aware of 'scary' things now. It could be that Lehr gave her a fear of Halloween masks recently. It could be just a phase. Who knows.

In recent days, Maddux has been very fearful of masks or costumes. A few weeks back the kids were playing dress-up with their Old Navy costumes and Eli asked Daddy to dress up too. Eli specifically requested Daddy's mask (a Dennis Rodman mask). Lehr went and found the mask and wore it back into the room. Eli loved it, but Maddux fa-reaked. out. She shook her head furiously and said, "No, Daddy, NO!!" Even once the mask was off of his face and on the floor, she still kept a watchful eye on it. And if anyone got near the mask, she would loudly protest again, should they think of donning it. So I've taken her to a few costume shops now, where the masks are on the shelves and I can hold her (safely) in my arms as we peruse. She doesn't cry, but she clings. Fast forward to this last weekend when we were at a birthday party. The mascot of the establishment came in to say 'hi' and Maddux did it again. Tears. Howling. Frantic searching for Mommy. She no like. Halloween should be interesting this year...

Maddux used to be the best 'patient'. She would sit nicely when I needed to do eye drops or alcohol in the ear for pool-related stuff. She would sit calmly when I needed to inspect her finger, or any other ailment she might have. In fact, with the exception of clipping nails, she's always been way more 'brave' than Eli in this area. Gone are those days. Maddux stepped on a pine cone during Eli's party and had close to a dozen big slivers embedded in the bottom of her foot. Taking them out has been a three-day process so far. (I *think* I'm done now.) And getting the others out seriously took me holding her down, singing calming songs, blanket reinforcements, and lots and lots of tears and screaming. Eli was so sweet today, helping me out by trying to distract her. He even suggested I find a sliver on him (which I did) to remove so she could see "how brave I be".

Lastly, bath toys. We have had a bath shark that moves for longer than we've had Maddux. It is about 4 inches long and barely wags it's tail through the water. Tonight when she got into the bath, she saw it in there and said, "NO FISH!!" She then basically jumped out of the bath and would not re-enter until it was out of sight. Seriously freaked out. So I guess we are entering a phase of new fears...I just hope nightmares don't follow!

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