Monday, August 10, 2009

Lil Stitch

While Maddux is just fine, this weekend proved to be difficult. The gauze bandage we reapply to her finger each day is not the easiest thing for a 2-year old to keep on. Maddie hasn't been actively pulling it off, but regular activities tend to knock it off. Most of the time we've kept it 'bagged'. We started doing that during baths and mealtimes to keep the area dry and clean, but through trial and error, that seems to be the only way to keep the bandage on. She will visit the doctor for a check-up tomorrow, and hopefully we'll get the go-ahead to use only a band-aid at that time. Keeping Mad Dog clean, dry, and out of any dirty or germy situations is hard work!

Maddux hasn't shown any real signs of pain, no does she squirm when the bandage comes off and she sees the wound. But when there are people around, especially those who give her the "I'm sorry" face, she plays. it. up. Friday night Lehr and the kids accompanied me to a pizza dinner 'party' where many a mom and dad wanted to see her and comfort her. After just minutes of this, Maddux strolled around the room, looking up at people and holding out her hand for them to see. (As in 'I'm hurt - recognize and give sympathy.') Same goes for church yesterday. She acted sad and pitiful when it came time to show people her hand. Never mind that minutes before she was happily playing with her buddies in Sunday School.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Funny. When Brandon burned his hand at 16 months old, we had to put a sock over his hand so he'd not pull the bandage off. Been there, done that. Hope it heals for you guys quickly!