Sunday, March 29, 2009

All Too Eager

Maddux really REALLY loves the bath. She usually cannot wait to climb in. Sometimes she gets overly excited and starts to climb in before we take off her socks or her diaper. The other day, I started the tub and then went into the other room to find her. Eli and Daddy were coming up the stairs, and the last time I'd seen Maddux, she was reading in her room. Well, she's obviously moved because as I left the bathroom, she wasn't there. So I checked the other two rooms upstairs with the same result. All of the sudden I heard Eli giggling in the bathroom. Maddux had somehow snuck by me in my search for her and helped herself to the bath I was preparing. Fully clothed. She didn't accidentally fall in either, because her hair wasn't wet. She got in carefully and deliberately. The last time she did this, it was more of a shock to her. This time she would have played in there all night if I'd let her.


Courtney said...

That's hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Aww that is funny. She is too cute.
