Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lady Ma-Da?

It's too much. Too cute. I seriously cannot stand it! Maddux and Eli were very intrigued by a green wig I bought for Boot Camp last week. They each tried it on in front of the mirror the day I opened it, but they refused to put it on after that day. I just so happened to catch a few seconds of Maddie in the wig on video that afternoon. When I played the video for her today, she laughed hysterically. Then she pointed to the wig (still next to the computer because I was holding out hope one or both would eventually give in and I could get some pictures) and said 'peeeeee-sss'. (Please) I put it on her and she got all giggly. Then she kept it on for 15 minutes while she played, read books, and danced. Once or twice it fell off and she immediately came over to me and asked that I return it to her head. Having worn the wig myself, I know the fake hair is a bit itchy around the face. That didn't seem to bother Lady Ma-Da at all...she is going to be my dress up girl!!

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