Friday, March 06, 2009


Maddux has finally figured out that my name is not "Ma", but "Mommy". And she knows how to say it. When she does, it comes out, "Mahhhh-meeeee", and I love it! I was working on the computer before the kids got up this morning and I heard someone calling me. ("Mommy. Mommy.") I got up and walked towards Eli's room, convinced it was him. Then I heard it get louder as I passed Maddie's door. I walked into her room to see her sitting in her crib, legs dangling through the bars, smiling and saying, "Mah-mee!! Mah-mee!!" What a great way to start our day!! Though I don't mind the way the day usually starts: I enter Maddie's room and she asks, "E-i??" if he's not with me. That girl loves her brother!!

Other words she can say quite well (for a 20-month old anyway) now:
- Amen (Ah-mee)
- Lights ('ights)
- Bye-bye
- Bubbles (Bah-bulls)
- Duck (DAHK!!! - it is ALWAYS yelled)
- No (Some things never change!)

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