Thursday, March 26, 2009

Quite The Celebration

Yesterday was my birthday, and Eli got really into it. Tuesday night while I was out, Lehr had the kids paint birthday cards for me. He even had it all cleaned up by the time I got home, so I didn't suspect a thing! Of course Maddux tasted the paint a few times, and paint went a lot of places it shouldn't have, but the final product was precious. When Maddie gave me the one she made, she pointed to the front (where Lehr had written words) and said, "Daddy!"

Eli woke up and stumbled out of his room to the bathroom, eyes barely open, as he does every morning. But when he saw me, he immediately said, "Happy Birf-day, Mommy!!" He said it several more times throughout the morning, and he even incorporated the word 'birthday' into his breakfast prayer. (It didn't make a lot of sense, but the sentiment was very sweet.) Then after school, Eli and Maddux played in the back porch while I made lunch. Eli asked for the chalk so they could draw me a birthday picture. (Maddux sampled the chalk also.)

One of the best surprises came just before dinner. Lehr took Eli back out as soon as he returned home, running a quick errand. When they returned, Eli came upstairs and handed me a bouquet of yellow flowers. "HAPPY BIRF-DAY, MOMMY!! I got you dees dandelions!" They weren't dandelions, but he thought they were when he picked them out. Lehr said he talked about getting me flowers for days leading up to Wednesday. It was all Eli's plan.

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

Sweet Sweet boy.

And happy birthday!!