Sunday, November 09, 2008

Puppy Love

Eli loves Gracie. Gracie loves Eli. For as long as they've been on this side of the womb, that is the way it's gone. Just like Harold and Maude, just like Jim and Pam, just like Joey and Pacey...Eli heart Gracie. Always and forever.

Tonight the two betrothed reunited for the first time in several months. We try to get them together as often as possible, but that always turns into a few times a year due to the distance between them now. (Click here for other posts about their visits.) We had to wake Eli up because Gracie arrived before he'd woken from his nap, but he snapped right into motion when he realized she was waiting for him downstairs. The two played inside and out, getting to know each other again. After dinner they really got into the swing of things, playing guitars upstairs and dancing to some music on the computer. At one point Lehr asked them to sit on the couch so he could snap a picture. That's when the fun started. We suggested Eli put his arm around Gracie, which he did. Then Gracie's mom said maybe Gracie could give Eli a kiss on his cheek, which she did. Eli thought that was kinda cool, so he reciprocated. And reciprocated. To the point where Gracie finally put her hand over her cheek because it was enough already. Then the two wiggled off of the couch and started running around. But anytime they were near each other, they would give each other a kiss. On the lips. Holy Mole, Guacamole!! It's a good thing Gracie's dad was present, or Eli might have been in some hot water! I know most of it was fueled by the fact that the four adults present could not stop laughing at the was really cute to see them grinning and being so sweet with each other! We caught some of this action on video....I'll post it tomorrow. For now, here are more pictures of their love.

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