Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Big Boy Baseball

Eli's love for baseball has spanned his entire life...he has held the game so close to his heart that even at the earliest of ages, it was obvious to us: we met that by giving him a baseball tee for his second birthday. While he has dabbled in soccer and basketball, his passion has always been for the diamond.

I can't help but think back to the early days...I remember the day I took this photo.
Eli was not even three years old. We visited Fullers Park for a picnic dinner and ended up (of course) on the field, with Eli practicing some pitches, and then us pitching to him so he could run the bases. This was a no-brainer fun night for Eli...he has always, even at two, loved everything about baseball.

Tonight I sit at Fullers Park, as I have so many nights since he turned four and started playing 'for real', watching him play. Tonight I sit watching his game at the same field we played in that night, the 'big' field where the next to biggest kids play their games. Tonight he stands on that same mound he stood on at two years old and he pitches as one of the big kids. And I can hardly stand it.

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