Sunday, December 05, 2010

Another Trip to the ER

Same child, third time. The first one didn't really count since she was only a month or two old, and it was ultimately nothing more than a false RSV scare, but the last two trips count for sure.

The morning started out fine; we all got up and got ready for church together. Lehr and I were both scheduled to work in the children's area which meant Lehr would be working in Maddux's class and I'd be right across the hall with the babies. We got set up, started receiving children and then I heard Maddux's 'hurt cry'. I stood up to see if I could see her across the hall. No such luck, but then I remembered that Lehr was in there with, so I returned to what I was doing. About a minute later Lehr appeared in the baby room door way, Maddux in hand, a compress against her head. He told me that he had to take her and go. Then he pulled back the compress and I saw a deeeeeep gash in the side of her face. (Apparently Maddux had been running circles in her classroom and hit the side of the chalk tray with her face.) I started to fumble for her insurance card and then we both realized that this would be a two-parent job. We attempted to spring Eli from his room, but one of our friends would have nothing of it; she insisted we leave him and she'd take over if we weren't back in time.

As fast as my heart was racing, Mad Dog was fine. Of course. She was in the backseat with Daddy, talking up a storm...not a care in the world. More importantly, not a hurt in the world. The hospital we took her to has a separate pediatric ER, so we got right in. The ER doctor on call saw us immediately. She assured us that the stitches she would use would be the same as a plastic surgeon...that any 'damage' would not be able to be determined until she was older, and that it should heal with no problems due to her age and the spot of the trauma.

So they cleaned it and applied a topical numbing agent that would take thirty minutes to work. "Beauty and the Beast" was popped into their DVD player, and Maddux was happy as could be. Lehr left at some point to get Eli. While he was gone they came in the stitch Maddie up. She laid very very still and didn't even flinch when they pulled out the needle. They were so impressed with her! Six stitches later they applied a band aid over top and handed her a blanket and a Popsicle. What a day!

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