Friday, April 13, 2007

Kiss My....Knee?

Another day of horrible teething pain and some blood in the mouth. Brutal stuff, this teething is! Despite Eli's discomfort I took him to the Dogwood Festival today, in an effort to distract him if nothing else. It worked. The car rides to and from were horrendous, but while he was there he seemed to be in a pretty good mood. And actually there were a few smiles in the car, but they were very short-lived. One was over Eli's newest trick: kissing his knee. He was in the back, furrowing his brow and pointing to his knee saying, "boo boo!" (I guess because he had a few scabs there a month back?) I asked him if he had a boo-boo on his knee, and then I told him when I got out of the car I would kiss it for him. At the next light I looked in the backseat to find Eli licking his knee. He had pulled his leg up, dancer-stretch-like, to kiss his knee (and his kisses are open-mouth and very sloppy). Eli and I had a good laugh for a minute until the light turned green and he resumed screaming in agony.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww..Poor Eli teething is awful. OMG, that has to be the cutest picture!!!