Thursday, April 19, 2007


For real this time (not like last year). Eli had another great game tonight. He was more antsy; he wanted to walk around at our feet instead of sitting in his seat or on our laps like last night, but he was still pretty well-behaved. Lehr taught him "cheers" last weekend, so we was all about that tonight. Much like last year, we cleaned out a plastic beer bottle and let him play with that. It occupied him 95% of the time. (Think of the potential games! Cheers, musical cup holders, bang it on the seat.....) His favorite thing to do was "cheers" everyone else with a beer bottle. This included the college guys in front of us. One was so amused by this that he insisted on not one, but two pictures of he and Eli clinking beer bottles. I expect Eli's beer picture to end up on a how-not-to-parent billboard somewhere in the near future..... For now, here is a shot of Eli cheersing "D" and a flashback from last year (same beer-toy last time too).

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