Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Are You My Mother?

Eli loves this book. He always has, I'm sure because of the repetitive text. This week I brought the book into the car as a 'toy' to distract him. He tries to hand me the book while I'm driving, but I tell him, "You read it to Mommy." Then I randomly call out parts of the story I have memorized thanks to reading it to Eli at least five times each day for the last however many months. Yesterday my reading was met with Eli's response of a huge grin and 'no no' (in a nice voice), every time I asked "Are you my mother?" He totally knows that each time the bird asks someone "Are you my mother?", they answer "No".

On a less positive note, Eli's diaper battles have intensified again. No longer is it an option to let him out of his crib to roam until he decides to lie down for a diaper change. He'll roam and cry forever rather than lie peacefully for me. Any suggestions are welcome, though I'm sure it's just a phase and time is the only remedy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you are handling it well. He's getting into the phase of testing you, so don't back down. You're doing great! - Courtney