Thursday, February 15, 2007


Eli loves to sign "please". It's replaced a lot of his other signs, including "more". He will walk around the house signing "please" while saying "dat". It's not always obvious what he's asking because, like most toddlers, whatever he can see at that moment is what he wants. Eli knows the fireplace is off-limits , but he still asks if he can investigate from time to time, so I thought I'd snap a picture of him mid-sign. (It's hard to say "no" to that cute smile!)

Eli has had another great week of blanket time. He has started to test us a little by standing up and staring at us, smiling as big as possible as if to say "Look at me; I'm standing up when I'm supposed to be sitting!" But if that's the highest level of defiance he'll rise to while in blanket-time, I'll take it! He's become really good about just going straight to the blanket and sitting down once I open it up and put a few toys on top. Tonight he stayed in for 20 minutes alternating between sitting and lying down on his stomach while playing. Never once did he appear to want to leave. This is most definitely one of Lehr's 'favorite things' these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute! We've been working hard on this one... not quite there yet though!