Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Somersault and Spin

Eli loves to somersault! He's not walking or standing on his own yet, so he can't really set himself up to perform the gymnastics on his own. It usually goes something like this: I will pull him to a standing position and hold onto his hips. I then tell him to put his head down, at which point he puts his hands and head towards the floor while tucking his chin (oh-so-cute). Then I move his hips over his head and lie him flat on his back, completing the roll. He grins and attempts to get in the 'ready' position for another somersault.

In the past few weeks Eli's dancing has become much more animated. Currently he claps whenever he hears music along with his standard head shake. The latest dance move is a one-arm swing: very suave! Eli's other new trick is the sit-n-spin. I'm not referring to the hard plastic toy from our childhood; Eli is his own sit-n-spin. He will sit on the wood floor and spin by pushing his feet around in a circle while leaving his torso (read: butt) in place. This kid is a one-man circus!


Anonymous said...

I loved it when he nodded his head. My little one does that too!!! So sweet!!!

BlondeBrony said...

Isn't it great that babies love music. He has great rhythm.

Gina said...

Liam LOVES music too, but he's not so animated when it comes on, just listens very closely and smiles so big (sometimes hums along).

Very cute video clip!