Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Back to Normal

Eli did very well this past weekend while Lehr was on 24/7 Daddy-duty. Not a lonesome tear was shed. However, once I returned, Eli was quick to pay me back for deserting him. He was extraordinarily clingy and whiny Sunday afternoon and Monday. I think that has passed now as he is back to his usual vocal and active self. (Read: the loud bull in the china shop has returned.) His cruising skills have improved drastically in the last few weeks: he now moves around the entire room, using various objects to keep his balance. The picture above shows him using the foot of the bed for leverage which he moved to after the desk, then the chair. He is quite the little monkey!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

It is amazing to see how far he has come with his legs. He is doing great!