Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Thrill of Fear

I've been playing peek-a-boo with Eli for quite some time now without much response. However, he loves this game when his daddy plays with him. Last week I discovered why: the game I play is not nearly as exciting as the knock-you-off-your-feet, take-your-breath-away, heart-racing excitement he gets from his father's version. Lehr crouches under the table, or just out of Eli's site and then pops up quickly shouting "PEEK-A-BOO" (or just "BOO") and scares the living daylights out of my son. Alas, in the process he also makes him laugh uncontrollably.... And yet this kid still cries when people laugh at or around him. Just last night Lehr was feeding Eli and started to chuckle at him at which point Eli froze, looked back and forth between the two of us (not moving anything other than his eyes) and then proceeded to wail the hurt-feelings cry. This kid better toughen up; he's got many years ahead of him of people laughing at him, if for no other reason than because of who his parents are...

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