Thursday, April 20, 2006

Look Out!

This little boy is on the move!

So Eli finally figured out how to roll from stomach to back the other day. Great. Stop there and let me adjust for a few weeks, please. I should know by now that I don't get to dictate when and how Eli will move on to the next phase in his life, but obviously I'm a slow learner. So today I have Eli down on the ground doing some independent play while I'm on the computer finalizing the Eli's Feet blog. Eli is sitting and playing, then he free-falls back and plays on his back, and then he rolls over to his stomach. Nothing new so far; this is the Eli I've learned to expect.

Then out of nowhere he starts rotating around in circles. Not Linda Blair style, but slow, methodical circles, keeping his belly button on the ground at all times. He doesn't realize I'm watching him (or he'd be sure to stop and play the helpless-baby), so he then proceeds to use his arms to push up (up-dog, yogis). Then he rolls 90% of his body over, so his back is on the ground (but his feet are still face down).

WHERE DID THIS COME FROM?!?! Guess I better open up that pack of outlet covers I bought a few months ago....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GO ELI GO! Give you mama a run for her money!! WOO HOO!