Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Glimpse of the Harvest?

I have not been shy about documenting some of the hard and harder moments we've had with Eli. While fatigue seems to be the only common denominator, I'm still searching for the main 'trigger' that makes him change from a happy boy to someone so out of control with rage.

I'm posting tonight because a few times in the last two weeks, including today, I've witnessed Eli controlling himself very well in situations that normally would have found him arguing, disobeying, and maybe losing control. Hallelujah!

I'm fairly certain that those fits of rage will still show up, but these little glimpses of awesomeness have me so excited. Today the kids had swing shift parents: Lehr was with them from breakfast until 2PM while I was at rehearsal, and then we switched for the remainder of the day. While the kids were with Lehr, they were living it up. They had their special Saturday breakfast of waffles and eggs, basically dictated by them, followed by a fun birthday party with games and pizza and candy. They arrived to me after that party, having gotten whatever they wanted all day.

This can spell disaster for Eli because he has a hard time transitioning out of that mode. I knew I was pushing it when I informed the kids that we could play at the house (inside or out) for an hour, but then we were going for a walk/hike at a spot we used to visit weekly. Eli did not like that news and started to cry and complain. I told him it was his choice how he spent the next hour-ish, but Maddux and I were going into the other room to play a game. After ten minutes or so i checked in on him and he was calm as he decided to go out front to kick the soccer ball. When Maddux and I finished our game another ten minutes later, we joined him outside. We played for a bit before Eli's friend from across the street came over to play soccer with him, something they have really enjoyed doing for the last few weeks. Fast forward to the time when we needed to leave: Eli and his friend approached me five minutes prior to ask if they could go inside to finish a Lego project they started earlier in the week. I reminded Eli that we were leaving and we wouldn't be able to do that now, but that tomorrow we'd have plenty of time after church. Eli totally obeyed and told his friend he'd see him later. Then he picked up his soccer ball, put it away and went to the car.

After I picked my jaw up off of the ground, I got Maddux and myself into the car. Our trip to the horse fields was great; Eli was enjoyable and patient. He asked a few times about the time of day (hoping he could still fit in some playing when we got home), but he was never rude or persistent about it. When we arrived home, his friend was inside for the day, and Eli's response was, "We'll have time problem." (His normal response after a tiring, indulgent day would have been to whine and tell me that I'd made us stay too long at the fields, or that it was too far away and that's why he couldn't play now. There was none of that!)

So, deep breaths for Mommy. Lots and lots of thankful prayers. And validation that some of the things we are doing ARE working. My go-to verse has always been Galatians 6:9 - Do not be weary in well doing for at the right time, if you do not give up, there will be a harvest. I am resting in the possible glimpse of a harvest tonight!

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