Friday, November 26, 2010

Gobble, Gobble!

We had no real plans for Thanksgiving; eat, play, and then eat some more. Of course Eli planned to bowl, play basketball, and work in some hockey. And high on Maddux's list was playing 'Go Fish', preferably with Grandma Cathie, preferably in the kids' secret room.

Once a Dutch Baby breakfast was consumed, Eli and Grandpa Jim went across the street to shoot some hoops on the big rim. I joined them for a bit, followed by Maddux, Grandma Cathie, and Daddy, all at staggering times. At one point it was just Eli and I, so I taught him to play horse. Even though he rarely made a shot, he loved the game and wanted to play 'cow' next. Maddux enjoyed entertaining the neighbors' dog more than anything. She spend most of her time throwing the ball two feet in front of her in an effort to play 'fetch'.

While the turkey cooked, the kids became interested in the whole food prep for the day. Someone asked them what they thought the turkey's name was and the name 'Emily' came up. Both kids have classmates named 'Emily', so I guess it was fitting??

For the feast we enjoyed turkey (prepared a special way by Lehr...delish), sweet potatoes, caramelized onion mashed potatoes and our family's traditional dressing made with wild rice. So good! Our meal concluded with apple crisp (Eli didn't even miss the pumpkin pie) and then went upstairs to play ( guessed it) more bowling before bedtime.

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