Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Ballet Observation

I know I'm waaaay behind on posting this, but time is hard to come by these days!!

Last week was Maddux's ballet observation week. Her studio does not allow viewing during classes, due to the distraction factor. As much as I want to watch her each week, I respect that, especially at Maddie's age. So last week was the first time I got to see her in her class. Lehr and Eli were allowed to view, as well, so the three of us sat with a few other parents at the front of the class and watched 45-minutes of three and four-year-old ballet unfold.

First off, Maddux had to change classes the week before, due to low attendance in her time slot. (Read: Maddux had 2 or 3 'private' lessons because she was the only one showing up.) So this observation was only the second time Mad Dog was in that class. That did not stop the other girls from taking their cues from my crazy girl. She is a natural leader, and it is wacky to watch. She doesn't do anything specific, but when she walks into a room, or approaches a group, they respond. I can only hope she uses her powers for good instead of evil....

The girls did really well listening to the teacher and mostly doing what was asked, even though the parents were in the room. Sometimes they didn't duplicate what their instructor did first, but they all tried their best and were very respectful. It was so so so neat to watch. Maddux was always the first to raise her hand when Miss Noelle asked "Does anyone know...." or "What does it mean when I say....." Maddie would raise her hand, kinda stick out her belly, grin and say, "I know!" in a cute, goofy and excited voice. And she did know. My girl definitely listens in class. No pictures were allowed, so here is just an old shot of her before one of her first classes. I can't wait for Spring observation week!

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