Wednesday, May 29, 2019

West Trip - Day 1

Location start/finish: Atlanta - fly to Las Vegas
Activities: fly, Seven Magic Mountains, Red Rocks, Delano Hotel

Once we landed and got our rental car (a bigger SUV than we own - The big kids were very spoiled and are now pressuring me to opt for a bigger vehicle when my current one dies.), we drove straight to In-N-Out Burger. The kids had never been and it was lunchtime.
Immediate love - they couldn't enjoy their food fast enough.
From there we drove to Seven Magic Mountains.
Unfortunately the rocks were being cleaned and refinished (and maybe repainted after that?), so there was a work area around the rocks/mountains blocked off. It was still an amazing sight though, and the surrounding scenery was a breathtaking change from what we typically see.
From there, we drove to Red Rocks to get some hikes under our belt.

The park was expansive, so as we drove through we only chose two or three spots to get out and hike.

The big kids tackled many large rocks and had a blast climbing to the tops of them.

Ruby's favorite activity was finding rocks and sand to make 'spaghetti' out of...she maintained this the entire trip.

We ended the day visiting the famous Las Vegas sign before a quick dinner.

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