Thursday, May 09, 2019

shine like a star

this is why we research. this is why we prepare for IEP meetings for weeks. this is why we document all work and analyze all assessments. this is why we overthink every scenario trying to figure out 'the best setting'.
we want inclusion, but what if it isn't the best for our child? what if it doesn't work the way we hear about it working with others? here's the truth that i know so far, at this very very VERY early stage in Ruby's life: the work, the bad days, the struggles, the fight...they aren't the whole story. sometimes there is a shining light in the black hole that feels like our efforts to remind you that some good is coming out of it all.
today we saw that shining light: ruby had her first elementary school performance, lasting almost an hour, and she. rocked. it. as in she sang the songs, stayed in her place(s), did the motions, stood still appropriately, all with no teacher or para helping her through, no assistance needed. couldn't have been more proud... lehr got a bunch of video that i condensed down to about 6 minutes. i will watch and rewatch this on the hard days.

(this video is looong, but it's as condensed as i could bear. my personal 'ruby highlights' are at 0:23, 2:37, 3:35, 5:08, 5:28, 6:05)

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