Saturday, May 04, 2019

dance the night away

you had your first middle school dance this weekend. you anticipated it for a month, planning trips to get a new dress and your nails done. you let your best friend and i sway you to pick a dress that was awesome, even though it wasn't your first choice, and i couldn't have been happier as i heard your friend ask you again and again afterwards if you really liked it, because her main concern was that YOU were happy with the choice. you tried on both dresses again at home, affirming your choice and moving forward with shoe selections.
proud mama moment when you asked if you could get a new pair of Vans for the event, ones that matched, but that you could wear afterwards. you speak my language, Maddux, and you are WAY cooler than i was at your age.
even though you complained about my immanent presence at the dance as a photographer for weeks beforehand, you were excited to ask me to join you and the other sixth grade girls beforehand for photos. your group of girls is so perfect right now - i hope you all remember how nice drama-free friendships can be!
at the dance you made the rounds, danced more than you didn't, and made eye contact and came into my personal space more times than i can count. and my heart melted every time. thank you for sharing this awesome first with me, Maddux.

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