Saturday, April 03, 2010

Game Ball

Last night was Eli's last baseball game before Spring Break. I already had a commitment, so Lehr took both kids with him. As luck would have it, Maddie was in one of those potty-every-five-minutes moods. So Lehr did a lot of shuffling back and forth to the restroom. Unfortunately, during one of those trips Eli had the at-bat of his career. He smacked it down the first base line, PAST the first baseman. He may have done that before, but this time his little legs carried him all of the way to third base (something he had never done before). For that, Eli earned himself the game ball. So so so proud. And he was so proud of himself... He was in the bath when I got home and he could not stop grinning as he told me about it.

It broke my heart that I missed this. Lehr texted me at my function when the ball was awarded; my heart dropped. I know Eli probably didn't give it a second thought, but for the first time ever I had a 'missing-mommy-guilt'. Working or not, we all have felt or will feel it at some point. Last night was that night for me....

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