Friday, February 26, 2010


For months, Eli has been plagued with pecking noises outside of his room. Every day, especially during room/nap time, a woodpecker (or two?) camp on the exterior wall right around Eli's window and go to town. This is a problem as we now have several holes in the front of our house. It also disturbs Eli. Or at least, peaks his curiosity. He has been very happy to 'help' Daddy fill the holes outside with crazy expanding foam though....such a lovely sight....

When I'm in Eli's room and I hear the pecking, I gently knock on the wall and say, "Go away, woodpeckers! Leave Eli alone." So now Eli does the same thing. Many days I'll hear yelling from his room. Startled, I'll jump up and run towards the stairs only to hear his voice more clearly, "GO 'WAY!! I SAID, 'GO 'WAY'!!" Last week, Lehr got the great idea for Eli to make a sign. It says, "No Birds", and Eli drew a picture of a woodpecker on it (in case they can't read). He has it hung in his window as a warning to woodpeckers in our yard.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Oh, no! That is SO funny! Stinks about the holes in the house, but SO cute that he made a sign with a picture in case they can't read!