Thursday, April 02, 2009

Maddux Update

Maddux. Maddie, Maddie, Maddie. She is quite the little lady these days. She's going on two, but she acts more like she's going on 13. She has the full independent 'tude, and she is also learning to play up the drama a bit. On the other hand, she is so sweet and she loves to take care of people. We had friends over the other day and Maddux got to play with a 'baby' for the first time in a while. Maddie was in LOVE with baby Cooper. She rocked him (rather vigorously), she brought him toys, and she tried to pat his head several times. (Supervision is definitely necessary when Maddux is around small children.) Then, during lunch, she put on a FULL show of her acting skills when I asked her to show her self control before being excused. This is something the kids must do before they leave the table for every meal, but the way Maddie acted, you'd think she'd never heard of such torture. She cried, she said 'no', she pulled out the tears. And then she dried them up and pointed to her eyes, saying 'eyes' and smiling really big. "See how cute I am?" she asked me with her grin. We all know how this ends: Mommy won, but not without a battle first.

Last night the kids were ready for bed, so I asked Maddux to give her brother a kiss and hug and then head to her room. Eli was rolling on the ground, so Maddie went over to him and stooped down, trying to get some face-to-face before planting one on him real nicely. She LOVES her big brother.

Bathtime is swim practice for Maddux. She now likes to lie back and swish her hair in the water to wet it before washing each night. But she's too small to lie flat on the bath 'floor', so she is floating. And she loves it. And sometimes a little water gets over her eyes and disorients her, so she flops around like a goldfish dropped on the pet store floor. But she never complains.

Finally, Maddie is a future stunt-woman. She jumps off of everything she can climb, she runs down the driveway with her hands behind her back, and she causes herself to almost fall down the stairs every day. (No joke...she does it on purpose.) One thing I've noticed in the last few days: Maddux can jump up and down with both feet at the same time. I think Eli only mastered that last month.....

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I swear the dare-devil thing is with ALL second children. Jake is the dare-devil of my group, and always has been. I love, love, how Maddie's hair is getting longer!