Saturday, April 18, 2009

Big Old Birthday Bash

The morning started with a bang. I ended up sleeping in the bed with Eli, next to Maddux's pack-n-play last night. Our room is a suite, so we have a couch room and a bedroom. (Lehr slept in the couch room.) At some point after sunrise, I heard Eli get out of bed and go to the couch room. He and Lehr conversed quietly and I drifted back to sleep. I later woke up when I heard Eli crying in the other room. That woke Maddie right up too, so I grabbed her and opened the door to see what had happened. I found Lehr holding Eli, dressed only in his nighttime pull-up. Apparently, Lehr had left the room to use the restroom down the hall, telling Eli to stay in the room. Well, Eli had to use the restroom too, so he exited the same door Lehr had, thinking it was the bathroom. Once you leave the room, the door locks behind you and Eli found himself on the outside. He wandered around for a few minutes, luckily finding himself outside Aunt Megan's hotel room a few doors down. She returned him to the room just as Lehr got back. That's when Maddie and I woke up. Scary times....

The morning was tough for the kids, but after naps we had a great evening. Eli and Maddux had lots of fun at Rachel's Bat Mitzvah. Eli totally latched onto K from the beginning and followed her around most of the night like a love-sick puppy. Not that she minded; she took good care of him. Maddie did a lot of dancing, some exploring, some flirting with strangers, and finally some entertaining of others with her 'cheers' techniques and other party tricks. Of course, it's 10:50pm and Maddie is still awake in the other room, talking to herself.

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