Thursday, February 15, 2018

School Stuff

Ruby loves school. Have I mentioned that? Because it's awesome...really awesome to have a kid love school as much as she does. And I'm sure I've blogged about many of these things already, but I love that they happen, so I'll write about them again:
  • When she comes back to school after a break, sometimes only after a weekend, she hugs her friends and tells them, "I missed you!"
  • When she gets in the car to go to school each morning, she recites their names and the letter each starts with, and sometimes she sings "Happy Birthday" to one of them.
  • When she and I are waiting at the front office for one of her teachers to come get her in the morning, at least as many kids say "hi" to her as she does to them, and if they can get a hug, their day is made. (And that makes MY day!)
Last week I was taking photos of some of the classes at the school for some upcoming projects. When I got to Ruby's class, they were in the middle of a Valentine's Day activity involving an obstacle course. It was SO fun to see the kids participating and loving all of the extra movement. Ruby, of course, smiled the whole time and couldn't get enough.

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