Tuesday, July 03, 2012

High Five

Even though I swear up and down that I put bricks on your head each night while you sleep, you still keep getting bigger and older, Maddux. I officially call a 'time-out'.

Over breakfast yesterday you told me, "I can't believe I'm going to be FIVE years old tomorrow!" Well, that made two of us. The short journey that has been your life so far has absolutely flown by, much to my dismay. I'll try to recount this last year of your awesomeness now, so that I never forget.

Your fifth year started with a girls weekend: your dad and brother went to Florida to see the shuttle launch and you and I did 'girly' things like paint our nails and go to dinner. I'm not very good at girly things, but you keep teaching me that I may one day be a better representation. When we flew out west to visit my side of the family later last summer, you had a much better 'girl time' with Grandma Cathie and your cousin, Eden. I think that needs to be a more regular occurance than once every few years.

This year was your last preschool year; next year you will attend the elementary school with your brother. Big stuff. You had a great time attending Pre-K four days/week, learning about computers, spelling, 'monkey math', music, and many other subjects. Your class had many other 'alphas', so we struggled at times with self-control and first-time obediance, but at the end of the day, you were still a positive force in the classroom.

Softball, ballet and swimming were the sports you chose this year. You have yet to find one thing that you are truely passionate about, but that doesn't stop you from wanting to try everything, and enjoying every step along the way. You were too young to participate in my favorite obstacle/trail race this year, but you ran alongside of Eli and I, showing more determination for it than he did. I look very forward to future races with you, Mad Dog.

Another special trip you took was with your Daddy: the two of you went to Florida to celebrate Nana's 90th birthday. She was so excited to have you stay with her that weekend, and you proved to be great 90th birthday party entertainment. You went to the pool, the beach, and ate plenty of Drumsticks and birthday cake.

You continue to make friends everywhere you go, especially with older kids. Their age and/or size does not intimidate you in the slightest. I am constantly in awe of your social ease and confidence! It has earned you popularity everywhere we go. I have no doubt that when you start school this year, your name will be known by many 'upperclassmen'; you will be the name that someone mentions and everyone says, "Oh, I know her."

Right after the holidays, we took a trip to Disneyworld. One of the main reasons we chose to do that this year was your love for all things Princess. We surprised you with breakfast in Cinderella's castle, and you spent the morning seeing and talking to most of your favorite ladies of Disney.

You and I recently took our first girls weekend away; the two of us flew out west to visit your newest cousins, Boden and Ava. The trip was for the purpose of me helping with the babies, so even though we traveled together, you spent the bulk of time with Grandma Cathie. You handled it like a rock star, not getting 'homesick' or scared at all. As expected, you just rolled with the punches even though there was lots of car travel from Grandma to me and back again, and you did very well on the plane both ways.

February found you and Daddy going on a very special date: Father-Daughter dance. He bought you flowers, dressed up special, and spoiled you all night with hugs and kisses and attention. You ate it up and made the night a very enjoyable one for both of you that I hope you remember for years to come.
You gave us a scare earlier this summer when you required another (your fourth) ER trip; when you aren't smiling and being silly, we know something is wrong! Like a champ, you bounced back and have been healthy as ever since then. You must stop scaring us that way though, Maddux: you're giving your dad and I gray hairs!
As you enjoy your day today, please remember that we love you more than ice cream, all of the way up to the rainbows and down to the dirt. Happy Fifth Birthday, Maddux!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Such an awesome kid. A reflection of her parents. :)