Saturday, December 26, 2009

Play-Doh Dilema

Lehr finally had an opportunity to use his fancy FSU masters degree education this morning. Eli was anxious to play with Maddux's new Play-Doh set this morning, and he asked Lehr if that was ok. We were all still upstairs though, and unsupervised inside use of that stuff is a recipe for disaster. Lehr told him that use of the Play-Doh toys was fine for a few minutes until Mom and Dad were downstairs; no actual Play-Doh until then.

A few minutes later, Lehr made his way down and Play-Doh was opened. He asked Eli who did it and he pointed to Maddux; when Maddux was asked, she pointed to Eli. Perfect set-up for some good 'ole Game Theory! Lehr told them (more or less) that if they couldn't agree who was responsible, they would both lose Play-Doh privileges. Immediately, Eli fessed up and said, "I did it." Lehr calmly sent him to a time out and the morning progressed without a hitch. His degree just may help us raise these kids yet!

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