Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Little Mommy

Maddux received three 'dolls' for Christmas. The first from Santa: a Woody (Toy Story) rubber action 'doll'. She loves it! I knew she would, as she watches Toy Story 2 when we go on plane rides. Also, he has a string to pull and he says (according to Maddux), "There's a snake in my boats!!!"

The other two are more traditional dolls. And even though she is a crazy, rough-tough tomboy, she got into them right away. Picking them up like babies, feeding them like babies...even putting a diaper on one! It's so funny how instinctual some of that is.

Mad Dog is also very 'mothering' in another way: her 'I'm-going-to-tell-you-what-to-do' way. Yesterday we were downstairs and she saw the kitchen timer sitting on the living room table. This timer is typically used after breakfast or lunch when the kids do self-control at the kitchen table. Maddux knows this and told me some version of 'self-control!' as she picked it up. I nodded and she told me, "Mommy do seff-control." So I folded my hands nicely and zipped my lip. She pushed the button and started to walk away, but turned back around after a few steps and gave me a hard stare. Content that I wasn't talking or moving, she turned around again. Before she set it down, she stared at me again and said, "No tahkking.", very gently. Maddux picked the timer back up just seconds later and continued on with this act for a few minutes.

Of course, she had the pattern down perfectly. When I set that timer, I'm always cleaning up the kitchen, as self-control typically happens after a meal. And if I hear her make a peep (because 90% of the time, Eli complies), I usually freeze and give her the same hard stare. Or gently remind her 'no talking'. Crazy how much she obviously studies me. Well, less crazy and more scary.....

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