Sunday, May 01, 2016

Date Night

It's crazy for me to think that we seemed to be more consistent with individual date nights with the kids while Ruby was in the hospital. Nothing like no extra time on your hands to make you more intentional!
Last week Maddux and I grabbed dinner one night, just the two of us. As usual, it was awesome because my girl talked and talked and talked. While I find my dates with Eli allow more conversation where I end up pouring into him (not sure how much he hears) without interruptions, with Maddux it is almost entirely the opposite. If you let that girl go, she will tell you anything and everything.

And I love it.

During this date night some of the random topics that came up were:
  • Dating (She said, "No till I'm 18, mom. Cuz dating is to get married and even 18 is too young for that.)
  • Kissing ("If I do that when I'm in middle school, then I won't have saved my kisses for 'the one'.")
  • Boys as friends and how dating can mess that up ("I don't understand why girls try to hug boys when they catch them during 'tag'...")
  • Maddux told me about a friend whose sister had a baby at 19 ("That must be hard because you're not even old enough to be a mommy yet and you probably don't have a husband when you're 19.") She then filled me in on how Mary was only 12 when she had Jesus and 'That's Crazy!'.
It's amazing what she'll share with me when I just sit back and let her without trying to control things. It's also so so so cool to me that she has heard some of the things I've tried to pour into her about boys and dating and marriage and purity. That was the biggest shocker for me that night: the things she told me without any prompting at all.

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