Friday, February 10, 2006

Go West, Young Man

What a week! Eli had a lot of firsts this week: first plane ride, first snow, first full day without Mom or Dad....

We took a trip out to Lake Tahoe last week to introduce Eli to the snow and to get some winter sports in for ourselves. Eli's first plane trip went wonderfully. We arrived at the Atlanta airport 1 1/2 hours early in the hopes that we could secure the seat between us for Eli and his car seat. We were successful and Eli slept most of the flight (in his seat). Even when he was awake, he was quiet and happy (the flight attendant even commented on that when we left the plane, and the couple in front of us said they didn't even realize there was a baby behind them until we landed and they saw him). The plane ride home was very crowded, so we had to hold Eli the whole time (no extra seat), but he was still generally happy and quiet.

The first day in Tahoe was pretty laid back; Lehr and I stayed around the house to try to get Eli acclimated to the new surroundings before leaving him to ski or snowshoe. He did great; he had Grandma Cathie wrapped around his finger! The next day, Lehr and I went skiing for the whole day. That was the first time I was away from Eli for so long, and the first time he was away from both parents for ten hours. He did great though; Grandma Cathie kept him busy! I have to admit, the first day without him was pretty tough. It didn't hit me until around noon, but when it did, it was like a ton of bricks. It was as though a part of me was missing....I know it's cheesy, but it's true. I did better the second day, but I still missed him like crazy. I was almost glad there wasn't any fresh powder on the slopes beckoning us; we only skied two days (Heavenly and Northstar) which meant that I only had to be away from Eli for the whole day twice. While we were in Tahoe the weather was warm and sunny, so we were able to travel a little up the mountain (where the old snow was more built up) to take Eli snowshoeing one day. He seemed to enjoy it!

Eli's new favorite thing to do is attempt to blow raspberries. He's pretty good at it, but only by chance. One out of every five attempts is successful, and for some reason he thinks he has to have his thumb in his mouth to execute the sound. We arrived home last night and despite his thorough enjoyment of the vacation, he seems very excited to be home. I think he missed his bouncy seat, his exersaucer, his 'big' bathtub, and his crib. If he's a creature of habit, it's my fault for sure.

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