Sunday, February 26, 2006

Adventures in Eating

Eli has become quite the picky eater. In the last week we've tried a few new foods (carrots and bananas), and Eli rejected them both! He'll make faces after each taste for about three or four bites, and after that he'll refuse to open his mouth. The rejection of food continues even if I switch to rice cereal or something else he likes. (I guess he's not willing to chance me doing the old bait and switch on him.) So I've resorted to sneaking these less desirable foods in with foods he does like. The most popular combo so far is carrots mixed into avocado (since he likes the green stuff). Tomorrow I'll attempt the same with the banana. I tried to mix the shunned foods with cereal, but that doesn't help since the cereal has no taste (which means all Eli can taste is the 'bad' food).

Eli spent some time with an older woman this week: Lindsey, who is almost three months older. For once, Eli actually interacted with another baby! They grabbed each other's hands a few times, and they took turns petting each other's hair. Then last night Eli hung out with Cooper while Lehr and I went out to dinner. We saw a little bit of video and it appears the boys had a great time. At one point Cooper was even sucking on Eli's thumb!