Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Food Strike

Today was Eli's check-up with the pediatric orthopedist. Eli's feet are looking great, and there is no sign of relapse. Now if he could just learn how to roll over and start crawling, we could decrease the amount of time he's in the bar! Seriously, the doc said we can be the judge of how much to take the bar off once he begins to crawl, but I know Lehr and I are going to remain on the cautious side of things to make sure we prevent a relapse.

No new news in Eli's life right now... He's still off of solids due to the rash (I tried again this week, but the rash came right back), he still doesn't roll over (he does really well when Lehr or I prompt him, but he seems to not be motivated to roll at all on his own yet), and he's still enjoying his exersaucer nightly.

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