Saturday, May 16, 2020

Drive In Wedding

And here we are, celebrating yet another milestone that has had to drastically change during these crazy times. We've known the bride and groom since they were in elementary school. We've had the pleasure of working with them in the areas of music and photography and general church youth things. Their wedding was planned before COVID was what it is now, but rather than let that get them down or cancel their wedding, they just shifted and made an unforgettable drive-in wedding. 
Maddux and Ruby were still part of the wedding party that walked down the outdoor aisle, only to return to our car. 
Eli and Lehr were dapper guests, dressed to the nines. 
(I was shooting, so I was able to have a front row seat to the entire day.) 
It was not what the couple planned on, but I can say it is a wedding our family will always remember!

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