Sunday, July 21, 2019

VBX 2019

As crazy as it makes our schedule for weeks and even months beforehand, VBX is one of our most fun weeks every summer. We've participated since even before Maddux or Eli could 'officially' participate as an elementary camper, and every year finds us serving and playing in slightly different capacities.

For several years now, Eli, we've watched you participate in leading worship with other singers and musicians. I love how involved you get when Dad starts picking the songs for VBX, offering your opinions (whether he asks or not) are very invested in the programming for the week!
This year was the first year that you didn't play drums for VBX. The last few years have found you sharing the percussion section with one or more drummers, rotating each song or each night. But this year there was an opening on electric guitar, and you slid into that spot.
As always, you spent the rehearsals hanging out with some older kids that have a love for music like you.
And during camp, once you left the stage you were on 'water boy' duties.
Although I know that is a real job, sometimes it seems like a way for you to do some work at the beginning of each rotation, and then hang out with your friends (but your secret is safe with me).
Maddux, this was only your second year serving at VBX, but the way you assumed your responsibilities, you would have thought you were an old pro. Your first job request this year was being a youth group guide, and (of course) you requested to work with Ruby's 1st grade group.
While you really love working with your sister, there is one other 1st grade girl at our church that you've been working with in the nursery and preschool area for years that you really REALLY wanted in your group. You got your wish, and your heart for her was so apparent every time I saw you two together.
Your second 'job' was leading motions for the songs on stage.
You teamed up with a sweet girl you met last year at VBX that doesn't regularly attend youth group, but the two of you caught back up right away.
Finally, Ruby....your camp experience will be hard to top. Your group was a great one, with your sister helping guide your fun. And then you were chosen to act out parts a few times during the Bible teaching.
Then you got to come early one night when I was taking rehearsal photos, giving you a front row to the youth rehearsing on stage. Of course you joined Maddux and a few other 'big' friends that you've known your whole life. I think they like you as much as you like them.
But the biggest part for you was Walter. About a month before VBX, you made a connection with him at church and started seeking him out every Sunday. Then, on the first night, he asked me if he could pull you onto stage for something. Little did I know that before he asked you to pull a few prize tickets out of the bucket, he would dote on you.
The next morning when you woke up, you put your head on my lap as we talked about VBX the previous night. I asked you what your favorite part was, and without hesitation, you said, "Walter. Call me on stage. Say me beautiful. Two times." And you had the sweetest smile on your face. (And he did say that two times...that girl has a good memory!)
You had a great rest of the week, showing better focus and 'sitting' than last year in each of the rotations. And the last night? Walter named you 'Queen of VBX' on the stage.

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