Tuesday, March 12, 2019

little victories

much more of a marathon than a sprint. potty training has been taken to a whole new stratosphere with you. it is my most despised parental duty, probably because i don't think i can honestly do anything to will someone to notice a biological need. with your brother and sister, it wasn't fun, but it was quick. with you, we worked tirelessly for over a year, seriously worked, before it started to click. and even though now that you are trained, and now we are done, we know we are not really done. in the back of our minds there is still the knowledge that anything from a virus to an extra fun day in a new environment can throw you off and we will have an accident on our hands. months will pass and try to make us forget, but we don't. so today, when you excused yourself, and successfully did your business solo as you do all of the time now, i silently thanked God, reminded myself that many of your peers' parents don't have the most-of-the-time luxury that i am currently witnessing, and reveled in how far you've come.

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