Friday, April 06, 2018

Maddux Makes the Grade

Maddux has always had pretty good grades; both of the big kids did through elementary school, even though their conduct often dipped into the "needs improvement" category from time to time. Last year she set her eyes on a 'perfect' report card though, and asked to tie a reward to it. (And as you might expect with Maddux, that reward request has changed over time.)
This last fall, Maddux had two report cards, both close to straight A's, but not quite there. And then, without much fanfare, she totally pulled it off in the third quarter! She was SO excited, and we are super proud of her for working towards her goal  (and the report card is still hanging on our refrigerator, over a month later). When it came time to collect her reward, she requested to go shopping at the mall with mom. I don't do the mall, which means we as a family don't do the mall. But she has seen it when we've gone to Costco, and she knows that there are stores in there to buy clothes. So to the mall I will take her.

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