Monday, February 24, 2020

West Trip

We don't often have the opportunity to travel west to see my family. After all, navigating all five of us through school and work schedules, air travel and then figuring out acccomodations between my brother and my parents (cars and lodging) is no small feat! But we snagged a great deal on plane tickets that lined up with a break from school for all three kids, so away we went!

It was great for us allto be together. My parents are usually able to visit us once or twice throughout the year, but this last fall's trip had to be cancelled. And we don't get to see my brother and his kids nearly enough (because he would have to do the same 'navigating' we face). 
The time with all of the cousins together was amazing. My nieces and nephew are aged perfectly between Eli and Maddux on one end and Ruby on the other. They adore and look up to my bigs and can also hang with Ruby. 
We spent a whole week playing in their basement, taking trips to parks, making and eating ALL of the food (11 people require a lot of food!). 
We even got to ski twice and go ice skating!
The last day found us participating in a west version of Christm-Olympics. My mom and the girls worked to put together a very fun game day, complete with prizes.

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