Monday, January 22, 2018

More Words

"Mom, I missed you!"

Seriously, does it get better than that?

During the last days of 2017, Ruby started saying "I missed you!" to people when she'd see them after a little time away. That little time away could be a few days trip, or a whole day at work...the point is that she uses the phrase and uses it appropriately. SO love this.

A few days ago, Ruby upped the ante. We were hanging out at the house (because with temps in the single digits and ice on the roads, we were stuck in the house for more days than I would prefer), and from across the room I said to Ruby, "I love you!" She grinned and walked over to me, hugged my leg (which I LOVE) and said, "I love you too, Mommy."
And now it is a routine phrase for her.
Melt. Melt. Melt.

I cannot adequately convey how amazing it is to hear your child put a voice on their thoughts and feelings when it's not something that comes easy. There were days, there are still days, when I would wonder if we would hear certain things from Ruby. Every new word or phrase she gives us is like the best gift in the world, especially because it is not a guaranteed gift.
This is a tricky one for me. I've been on the side (and I know I will many many more times) of seeing Ruby's peers with Down syndrome do things ahead of or 'better' than her. Especially in the area of talking. And when you're in that place of putting in so much work and seeing your child's efforts go without the reward of whatever it is you are working towards, it can be torture to see or hear about someone else's success. But at the same time, I know how important it is for us all to celebrate the milestones AND the hard work. So today I'm celebrating.

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