Saturday, July 22, 2006

My Son, the Politician

So even though he's not showing any signs (ha ha) of comprehending the traditional sign language we've tried to teach, Eli is learning how to use his body and hands to communicate. So far he can ask for music, or indicate he hears music (through a sway of the head), he can wave (when he wants to), and he can now point. (This is in addition to the few signs - eat, milk - he performs.) However, his point is not the typical one-finger-extended gesture most kids use. Right now it is an extended arm with a fist that strongly resembles the politician fist you often see during debates. I'm quite confident Eli knows what he is doing because his 'regular' fist, used for expressing anger and containing something in his palm, is the norm. This "point" is much different. (This picture is of the said fist, even though it looks similar to his food-offering fist, but I assure you there is no food in this one.)


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Oh too cute. We are trying to do signs with Gray, too- but he has his OWN signs- at least it's communicating!

Damselfly said...

Asking for music?! A boy after my own heart. I'm jealous, and my baby isn't even born yet.