Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Fall Soccer

It's another season of COVID-craziness, but at least one area of Eli's life has not been terribly upended. For the last several years he's played on a continuous soccer team, allowing for practices summer-spring with a full fall season and some tournaments in the spring. Last spring we ended in March, obviously, but this summer we picked right back up with tryouts. There was talk of limited games and limited spectatorship, but honestly it all worked out pretty similar to our regular season.

Our family (and most others) wore masks on the sidelines, and we spread out more than usual with our personal chairs, but the boys all played the whole outdoor season without masks or incidence of super-spreader activity. (I think one two players quarantined for a week of practices due to exposure, but that was it.)

The season went the way it usually does for Eli and his teammates: lots of practices and great work during games, but without many goals (and wins) to show for it. But the final weekend was an in-town tournament with three games leading to the finals.

Eli's team won two games and tied the third, so they advanced to the finals: a total welcomed shock to all of us! The final game was a great one where both teams fought hard, resulting in a tie. Because it was the finals, that meant they went to a shoot-out, and Eli was one of the kickers. Unfortunately, after many back-and-forth kicks, the boys lost. 

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